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Micro-credentials offer a flexible way to gain skills in health and wellbeing technology. The first focuses on ethics, covering key principles like data protection and respectful interaction.

EU defines micro-credentials as:

the record of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a small volume of learning. These learning outcomes will have been assessed against transparent and clearly defined criteria. Learning experiences leading to micro-credentials are designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge, skills and competences that respond to societal, personal, cultural or labour market needs. Micro-credentials are owned by the learner, can be shared and are portable. They may be standalone or combined into larger credentials. They are underpinned by quality assurance following agreed standards in the relevant sector or area of activity. (According to ETF 2022)

In other words, micro-credentials can be seen as small courses or lessons which have a defined learning goal. Micro-credentials are also a formal way to recognise informal learning. Micro-credentials are by no means a new phenomenon. There are wide variety of micro-credentials ranging from boy scout merit badges to massive open online courses (MOOC) provided by education institutions.

How micro-credentials differ from formal education?

Formal education is part of a larger, national education system. It typically provides a formal degree or qualification, which are formally recognised in the national education system. In that sense, they do require more commitment and resources (e.g. time, money) from the student. Formal education has therefore limited accessibility.

Micro-credentials are smaller, more flexible educational units specified to a certain skill or competence. The duration of single micro-credential usually varies from 1 hour to several days or even weeks. Typically, the duration is approximately between some hours – a couple days. If the student already has skills or competences defined in learning objectives, the micro-credential can be granted without studying the course. Therefore, micro-credentials can be used to formally recognise informal learning. Micro-credentials can be integrated to the national education system, also becoming part of formal education. All these combined, micro-credentials are more accessible than formal education.

Micro-credentials in Care about IT

Part of the Care about IT -project is to create micro-credentials about Health technology and wellbeing technology.

The first micro-credentials will be about ethics. Ethics is an integral part of health and wellbeing technology.  Major topics will be recognition of ethical principles, values and regulations of the social and health care sector, recognition of data protection and confidentiality and recognition of principles of appreciative, respectful, and equal interaction with the client and their related parties.

This micro-credential is aimed for anybody, who is interested in health and wellbeing technology. The student will learn to acknowledge the ethical perspective in health and wellbeing technology.


ETF 2022. Guide to design, issue and recognise micro-credentials.


Reino Tissari | Educational Developer Care about IT, Turku Vocational Institute