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International Event in Tallinn

On April 16th, Care about IT hosted its International Event in Tallin. A room full of partners and invitees, joined by online viewers, enjoyed an inspiring day filled with keynotes and presentations, workshops and site visits.

After a warm welcome and introduction by program manager Jessica Knopper, the first keynote speaker of the day. Mika Apell, founder of Evondos, shared the origin story of the healthcare technology company, from his experience watching his grandmother receiving her medication, to the prototype of a medicine-dispensing robot in 2012, and the growth of the company since. He spoke about the increasing need for agetech, and the plans the company has for the future.

After this, Sytske Valk (Katapult) took the stage to present the research results of our HealthTech Ecosystem Analysis.

Our second keynote speaker of the day was Erik van der Velde. As a partner at Zorgverbeteraars, Erik helps healthcare institutions and partnerships optimize their information management and enable data exchange. The topic of his keynote was the focus on data in healhtech, and whether this truly is the holy grail it’s said to be.

After this inspiring start to the day, it was workshop time! Attendees could choose between workshops about Serious Gaming, Service Design & Change Management, Beta tech mentality, Microcredentials, Development of digital competences in nursing, and Navigating data and privacy in HealthTech.

We closed off the day with some exciting site visits: half of the group went to the North Estonia Medical Centre, the other half visited Tallinn Health Care College. Thankfully, on the final day of our visit (April 17), the group will get a chance to visit the location they did not visit today, because neither of these should be missed!

We look back on an amazing conference day, and want to thank all of our speakers, partners, attendees, and hosts for their contributions.

Curious about the exact content of the keynotes? We’ll be sharing a link to the recording of the conference soon!