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Care about IT country captains and work package leaders met in Tallinn, Estonia

On 15 April, country captains and workpackage leaders in the Care about IT project met in Tallinn, Estonia, to discuss project plans. The partners from Italy, Finland, Estonia, and the Netherlands talked about the plans and progress.

Ahead of the international Care about IT event in Talllinn on 16 April, the workpackage leaders and country captains arrived in Estonia a day early. The group gathered in the morning in Sokos Hotel Viru, steps away from Tallinn’s Old Town.

The morning was kicked off by Sanna Paloposki, Finland’s country captain, who talked the group about Initial Education and Continuous Learning (Workpackage 7). A focus point of this was the project’s first microcredential that’s to be ready in October 2024, and for which the subject will be decided during the International Event on 16 April. The international teacher exchange in the autumn of 2024 was also discussed, as was the development of the teaching material and the adaptations that might have to be made for each country.

After Elvira Coffetti (Netwerk ZON) called in to update us all on Workpackage 3, Elena and Irene Miretti from Apro Formazione talked to the group about recruitment (WP 8). There are some decisions that have to be made jointly, which were discussed. The strength and the challenge of these types of international projects lies in our differences, and in this phase of the project the different school systems and industries we all work in have to be mapped to be able to serve all our regions equally. We took some valuable steps to make this happen.

Finally, Irma Nool and Grete Sõõru (Tallinn Health Care College) discussed workpackage 4, Innovation. We talked through the objectives and discussed possible challenges for the regional and international hackathons that will be taking place.

Being in a city as beautiful as Tallinn, it would be a waste not to venture outside a bit as well. So of course, that’s what we did after this inspiring morning of meetings. Guided by a professional tour guide, we walked through the gorgeous Old Town. With picturesque buildings around every corner and stunning views, there was plenty to see.

Come evening, it was time for a European aperitive! We were joined by the other project partners. Everyone had brought a local snack to share with the group. Over a spread that varied from Estonian sandwiches and Finnish Cheese to Italian sweets and Dutch cheese, we unwound after a fruitful day of meetings.