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Hackathon Netherlands: Innovation in Smart Healthcare

On September 19 and 20, Care about IT joined a hackathon focused on innovative solutions for smart healthcare. Jessica Knopper, Program Manager at Care About IT, shares her experience.

"Finally, the moment has arrived! Full of excitement, we started our day at 8:30 with breakfast at Alfa-college, where students from the Marketing and Technology programs joined forces with Care About IT. By 9:30 AM, the hackathon officially kicked off.

This event brought together 48 teams from 14 schools across the provinces of Groningen, Drenthe, and Friesland. Over 260 students worked tirelessly for two days to develop creative and smart solutions across five healthcare challenges. In support of these efforts, Care About IT provided each team with an Arduino kit.

The intensity of the two-day hackathon was matched by the energy and creativity of the students. They engaged in brainstorming sessions, pitched initial ideas, consulted with challenge owners, and refined their solutions. Each team created a two-minute video showcasing their prototypes, which were then reviewed by the challenge owners. From there, two teams from each challenge were selected to compete in the final round, with an additional team earning a "golden ticket" through a Pub Quiz event that was hosted the previous day. In addition to this fun event, students also enjoyed activities like training sessions in pitching and creative thinking, aiding in their personal and professional development.

The Grand Finale

On Friday evening, 11 teams presented their solutions in the finals. The jury evaluated the prototypes and awarded four prizes: €400 for the overall winner, €300 for the most impactful solution, and €300 for the best design. In addition, the audience awarded a €200 audience prize.

While no Alfa-college teams made it to the finals, the winners were well-deserving of their prizes. And the hackathon journey doesn’t end here. Over the next eight weeks, all 48 teams will continue refining their solutions. The conclusion of the competition will take place on November 15, when each province (Groningen, Drenthe, and Friesland) will host a Dragons' Den-style event. Teams will pitch their solutions to potential investors, with a grand prize of €5,000 awarded to the winning team to bring their idea to life.

Stay tuned for more updates after the Dragons' Den in November!”